Endless Site
Filled in front of us, note papers were stacked.
Home, products, services, news, communication, who we are, what we are now, we came to the point of questioning life. The bottom line was the company's website! And we were just trying to create content!
How did everything come to this point? How did everything happen after all these meetings? The designer company was ready, the design was ready. Domain was taken. The hosting location was set. Long story short of everything was ready, the web site to do what the web site, so we could not clarify what to put in!
One time of the night again during a desk meeting, one of the friends, "I understand the meaning of life, what I mean now." He summarized the process very nicely. He was being ridiculed inside the company. Dialogues were taking place: “we got endlesssite.com. We will post photos of your team there. What a beautiful poet: because of the unending work, you would not want it to be like that, even a look at everything to tell. hehehe !!! "
At the end, the boss said, Don't pry so many children, send your hands to the designers, look after you. So we sent the content as far as we can, and the designers put it on the site.
We've been looking after it for days! Ender Erkan (Marketing Assistant)
Welamon says; There is a method of creating content. Get help.
In fact, every company defines itself in the process of creating websites. Sometimes it seems like a complicated process; the company's identity, his work, the services it provides, the products produced or sold consists of offering the right way. This has a simple method and systematics. Your web designer should have the knowledge and experience to guide you in this regard.